Tuesday, 4 February 2014

We never intended to take on the Big guns. The David can never take on the Goliath. Can we?

It has been a crazy few months!! We have been cooking all the dishes we promised. The flight semantic has been out for a few weeks now, and you seem to like what we do with your queries. Hotel semantics is also on the stove. Bottom line, we have had all of the cooks in the kitchen and the broth still looks amazingly carrot-y and definitely not spoilt.
So, what makes this cook drop the utensils and get back to the word processor, you may ask. Desire to atone for a HUGE mistake. Interesting? Well, for us, it is shattering.
The god of travel semantics in India has taken strong exception to us.
The following, was mentioned about us, the minnows, in comparison to the god in one of the story books that specializes on Pandas, the cuddly little mere mortal creature :
"<The God> which is partly managed by <The Even Bigger God> offers semantics but not at level which <the Minnows>  intends".
And the <Narad> had to take this statement out from this story as per the Gods' desire. Guess, the minnows, were asking for too much - a comparison to the Gods as the benchmark.
Here's our heartfelt apologies, for even aspiring to be compared to you, oh mighty lord!! We sinned. But we understand what we have done. And here is our atonement...
We promise to let the mortals treat you as the lords that you are. We will not aspire to use you as the benchmark, for the mortals already know the truth, that you are the lords. 
We will keep cooking awesome carrot dishes and serve it up as the best attraction of the festival where you, the gods, are prayed to..
Happy Carroting!!


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