Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Darr ke aage, jeet hai

Translated verbatim, the title means Beyond fear, lies success.

When we started conceptualizing and working on FindMyCarrots, getting things to work in India for Indian locations was more than a pipe dream. We started off with the success of one query here, a second there. In between, were umpteen grimaces. I remember a few occasions, when one of us had passed out on our laptop thinking why a query failed, woke up with splitting headache and attributed the cause of the headache to wrong understanding of a query by the FmC engine running inside us.
When we started working on the US launch a month back and gave ourselves a couple months to complete, we were apprehensive, again. We were scared to try getting US online in such a short time.

But deep inside, we believed we had the building blocks to achieve it. So, when we started aiming for the 2 month period, and achieved significant success in the first week itself, we became bold. We started to look at what lay ahead of the fear - support of US information on FmC, something that could have only been referred to as fantasy when we started. This is what is so interesting in building FmC 1 small piece at a time. It takes you over, completely, to the point of becoming the cause for your physical pain in your mind. But beyond that pain lies ecstasy and beyond that, perhaps, success!!

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