Monday 23 June 2014

Our Humpty-Dumpty days

Everyday, as we try and build up FmC, we are trying to scale a wall. The wall of our mind where we set limitations on ourselves - about what we can achieve. So, everyday we try to climb this wall, we sit on it for long, staring at what lies on the other side, tentatively, thinking if we can take a plunge. But as you might be expecting, more often than not, we have a great fall in this endeavor and, boy, does it hurt!

The sad part is, no horses or men from the King's cavalry come over to lift us up. Forget that, to add insult to injury, the naysayers and the enlightened of the world heap scorn explaining how stupid we must be to try such improbabilities. After all, who will want to use FmC when the Advisors and the Makers have Clearly won over the Yatra ecosystem of the travelers. But then, when you start digging the earth to mine, you are not expecting results before you started digging. Mining for Carrots is tough and we knew it from the moment we enlisted to go underground for your carrots. Therefore, the self conviction does not erode. The taste of dust in our mouth, we help each other up in the team, shouting out a curse here an expletive there, to give vent to our fury at not having succeeded, but doubling our resolution that the next leap will not be far off and success is just on the other side of the wall...

Proud to be Humpty Dumpty for 30 days of the month. Because we live for the 31st day of the next month, when the naysayers will hide their head in the sand. Let us change the rhyme to:

Humpty Dumpty got up from the fall.. 
Humpty Dumpty scaled the HUGE wall..

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